Sunday 4 October 2015

DIY Magazine Diamond

Hey Guys!

Before I begin this exciting post, I am going to thank you all for 200+ page views! This is a big achievement for me, and if any of you have been coming back to my blog, every Sunday, I would just like to say thanks, and hope that one day you can comment on one of my post and I can reply back :) Anyway, on to the blog post!

So, todays post is something I have not really done before but hope to do more of and that's DIY'S! You may not know this but I am actually really enjoy crafts and creative things, so this is a post I have been wanting to do for a while. I will be telling you how to make this magazine diamond that is good to put on your wall. This is a super easy DIY and I will be having step by step guide on how to do this. I will not be including pictures as it is very self explanatory and when you look at the picture it will all make sense!

- Thick cardboard
- Magazines
- Scissors
- Blue Tack (optional)
- White canvas (optional)

1. Cut out a square that is roughly 9cm x 9cm to use as a template.
2. Go through the magazines to find nice patterned pages, such as flowers, food, beach scenes, houses etc. Use the template as a guide to cut out the square pattern.
3. Once you have 14 different squares, cut them in half from one corner to the other.
4. Them assemble the triangles in the formation shown in the picture below. You could glue it onto a canvas, thick cardboard or just blue tack it onto the wall like I did.

I hope you guys enjoyed this DIY, and if you recreate this you can tag me in pictures on twitter and also follow me while you are there, @/blog_beautybits. Thankyou for the support!
